The iron-on sticker is thin and flexible and durable. Perfect for designing lightweight active clothing, bags, etc. The iron-on transfer sticker has two parts: the upper part is cut and iron-on, and the lower part is a transfer film that holds the iron-on transfer sticker in place during transfer. Semi-matte finish. Not suitable for layered two-color designs!
Iron-on sticker and fabric compatibility: 100% cotton, 100% polyester, cotton and polyester blends, lycra and spandex blends and nylon.
Kuumus: 130kraadi 10sekundit. Pealmine kile eemaldada kuumalt! Triikrauaga keskmise kuumusega (kaks täppi).
Masinpesu seestpoolt, kasutades pehmet pesuvahendit. Ärge kasutage valgendit, kuivatit! Ärge puhastage keemiliselt. See kõik tagab pikaajalise vastupidavuse kujundusele.