The iron-on velvet sticker has a velvety surface, is resistant and has a long-lasting tone.
Iron-on sticker and fabric compatibility: 100% cotton, 100% polyester, cotton and polyester blends
Pressimise temperatuur ja aeg: 165kraadi 15sekundit. Pealmine kile eemaldada leigelt/külmalt!
Hooldus: Masinpesu max 40°C seestpoolt, kasutades pehmet pesuvahendit. NB! Ärge kasutage valgendit, kuivatit! Ärge puhastage keemiliselt. See kõik tagab pikaajalise vastupidavuse kujundusele.
When cutting with a Cricut digital machine, we recommend that you choose Everyday Iron-on as the material to be cut from the program when starting to cut.